Monday 24 November 2014

(5th) Golden Fish

Once upon a time, on the island of Buyan, there stood a small tumble-down cottage; and in that cottage dwelt an old man and woman. They lived in great poverty. The old man would cast his net and try to catch some fish; but all he caught was barely enough to keep body and soul together each day. One day the old man cast his net, began to haul it in and felt something heavy in it; never had he felt the like before. He could hardly pull it in. Yet when he looked he saw the net was empty: except for a little fish. But it was no ordinary fish?it was golden. And it spoke in a human voice, "Don't take me, old man! Let me go back to the deep blue sea and I'll be useful to you: I'll do whatever you wish." The old man set to thinking, then said, "I need nothing from you: go back and swim in the sea."Golden Fish
He threw the golden fish into the sea and turned for home. The old woman asked him how much he had caught. "Nothing but a single golden fish, and that I threw back into the sea," he said. "It spoke in a human voice: 'Let me go,' it said, 'into the deep blue sea and I'll do whatever you wish.' I was sorry for it, asked for naught and set it free." "Oh, you old devil!" exclaimed his wife. "Good luck falls from the skies and you haven't the sense to grab it." She grew angry and cursed the old man from mom till night, giving him no peace. "You could have asked for bread at least," she yelled at him. "We won't have a dry crust to eat soon, what'll you do then?" In despatir the old man went down to the seashore to ask the golden fish for bread; coming to the sea-edge he shouted in a loud voice: "Fish, oh fish! Stand with your tail on the sea and your head facing me." The fish came swimming to the shore. "What do you need, old man?" it asked. "The old woman is angry with me and has sent me for bread." "Go home, you'll have bread aplenty," said the fish. So he went back home and asked his old woman whether there was any bread. "Bread aplenty," she replied. "But here's the rub: my tub has sprung a leak and I can't do the washing. Go back to your golden fish and ask it for a new wash-tub."
Back went the old man to the sea. "Fish, oh fish!" he shouted. "Stand with your tail on the sea and your head facing me." Up swam the golden fish. "What do you need, old man?" it asked. "The old woman sent me, she wants a new wash-tub." "All right, you'll have a wash-tub too," it said. Back home went the old man; but before he had crossed the threshold, the old woman set on him again. "Go back," she said, "to your golden fish and ask it to build us a new house. We can't live here any more, it's falling about our ears." Off went the old man to the sea, calling, "Fish, oh fish! Stand with your tail on the sea and your head facing me." Up swam the fish, stood its tail on the sea and faced him directly, asking, "What do you need, old man?" "Build us a new house," he said, "the old woman is angry and won't give me any peace. She says she won't live in the old cottage anymore, because it's falling about her ears." "Cheer up, old man," said the fish. "Go on home and say your prayers; all will be done."
So the old man returned and what should he see but a brand new house, made of oak, with carved eaves. And there was his old woman rushing at him, even wilder than before, cursing louder than ever: "Oh, you old fool! You don't know good luck when you stare it in the face. You ask for a house and think that's enough! No, you go back to that golden fish and tell it this: I don't want to be a fisherman's wife, I want to be a fine lady, so that good folk do as I tell them and bow low when they meet me." Back he went to the sea and said in a loud voice, "Fish, oh fish! Stand with your tail on the sea and your head facing me." Up swam the fish, stood its tail on the sea and faced him directly. "What do you need, old man?" it asked. "The old woman gives me no peace," he said. "She's gone raving mad: she's tired of being a fisherman's wife, she wants to be a fine lady." "Very well, cheer up. Go home and say your prayers; all will be done."
So the old man went home and was surprised to see a big stone house in place of his hut, rising up three floors; with servants running about in the yard, cooks bangmg in the kitchen, and his old woman sitting on a high chair in a rich brocade dress, giving orders. "Hello, wife," the old man said. "What impudence!" the bro- caded lady cried. "How dare you address me, a fine lady, as your wife. Servants! Take that silly old dolt to the stables and give him forty lashes till he's sore." Right away the servants came running in, seized the old man by the scruff of the neck and hauled him off to the stables. There he got such a thrashing that he could barely stand. After that the old woman made him her yardman; he was given a broom to sweep the yard and made to eat and drink in the kitchen. What a life the old man led: all day sweeping out the yard, and if he missed a speck of dust he was hauled off to the stables for a whipping. "What a witch!" he thought. "I bring her good fortune, and she sticks her nose in the air, doesn't even consider me her husband."
By and by the old woman grew tired of being a fine lady, had the old man brought to her and ordered him, "Go back to the golden fish, you old devil, and tell it this: I don't want to be the Governor's Lady, after all; I want to be the Queen." So the old man went down to the sea and called, "Fish, oh fish! Stand with your tail on the sea, and your head facing me." Up swam the golden fish, asking, "What do you need, old man?" "My old woman has gone even further round the bend; she doesn't want to be a fine lady, she wants to be the Queen." "Cheer up," said the fish. "Go home and say your prayers; all will be done." So the old man returned and instead of his former home saw a towering palace with a roof of gold; guardsmen with rifles marched up and down; behind the palace were elegant gardens, while in front was a big green meadow on which troops were parading. The old woman, all dressed up like a queen, appeared on the balcony with her generals and governors, and began to inspect her troops and take the salute. The drums went bang and the music rang and the soldiers shouted "Hurrah".
By and by the old woman grew tired of being the Queen. She ordered a search for the old man so that she might set eyes on him again. What a fuss there was! The generals buzzed about, the governors huffed and puffed. 'What old man could she mean?' Finally he was found in the back yard and brought before the Queen. "Lis- ten, you old devil," the woman said. "Go to the golden fish and tell it this: I don't want to be the Queen any more, I want to be the Mistress of the Sea, so that all the seas and all the fish obey me." The old man tried to object. But what was the use? If he didn't go he'd lose his head! So, reluctantly he went down to the sea and called, "Fish, oh fish! Stand with your tail on the sea and your head facing me." But this time no golden fish appeared. The old man called it once more?and again no fish. He called it a third time?and suddenly the sea began to murmur and seethe. Where the waters bad been clear and blue, they were now black as pitch. Up swam the fish to the shore, asking, "What do you need, old man?" "The old woman has gone even madder," he said. "She's tired of being the Queen and wants to be the Mistress of the Sea, ruling all the waters, commanding all the fish."
The golden fish said nothing to the old man, just turned tail and vanished into the depths. The old man went back and could scarce believe his eyes: the palace had gone, and in its place stood a small tumble-down cottage. And inside the cottage sat his old woman in a ragged sarafan. They began to live as before. The old man set ! about his fishing, but no matter how often he cast his net into the sea, never again.
Source :

(4th) Hagia Sophia

Hagia Sophia (from the Greek: Ἁγία Σοφία, "Holy Wisdom"; Latin: Sancta Sophia or Sancta Sapientia; Turkish: Ayasofya) is a former Greek Orthodox patriarchal basilica (church), later an imperial mosque, and now a museum (Ayasofya Müzesi) in Istanbul, Turkey. From the date of its construction in 537 until 1453, it served as an Eastern Orthodox cathedral and seat of the Patriarchate of Constantinople, except between 1204 and 1261, when it was converted to a Roman Catholic cathedral under the Latin Empire. The building was a mosque from 29 May 1453 until 1931. It was then secularized and opened as a museum on 1 February 1935.

The church was dedicated to the Wisdom of God, the Logos, the second person of the Holy Trinity, its patronal feast taking place on 25 December, the commemoration of the birth of the incarnation of the Logos in Christ. Although sometimes referred to as Sancta Sophia (as though it were named after Saint Sophia), sophia being the phonetic spelling in Latin of the Greek word for wisdom, its full name in Greek is Ναός τῆς Ἁγίας τοῦ Θεοῦ Σοφίας, "Shrine of the Holy Wisdom of God". Famous in particular for its massive dome, it is considered the epitome of Byzantine architecture and is said to have "changed the history of architecture". It remained the world's largest cathedral for nearly a thousand years, until Seville Cathedral was completed in 1520. The current building was originally constructed as a church between 532 and 537 on the orders of the Byzantine Emperor Justinian and was the third Church of the Holy Wisdom to occupy the site, the previous two having both been destroyed by rioters. It was designed by the Greek scientists Isidore of Miletus, a physicist, and Anthemius of Tralles, a mathematician.

The church contained a large collection of holy relics and featured, among other things, a 15-metre (49 ft) silver iconostasis. The focal point of the Eastern Orthodox Church for nearly one thousand years, the building witnessed the excommunication of Patriarch Michael I Cerularius on the part of Pope Leo IX in 1054, an act which is commonly considered the start of the Great Schism.

In 1453, Constantinople was conquered by the Ottoman Turks under Sultan Mehmed II, who ordered this main church of the Orthodox Christianity converted into a mosque. By that point, the church had fallen into a state of disrepair. Nevertheless, the Christian cathedral made a strong impression on the new Ottoman rulers and they decided to convert it into a mosque. The bells, altar, iconostasis, and sacrificial vessels and other relics were removed and the mosaics depicting Jesus, his Mother Mary, Christian saints and angels were also removed or plastered over. Islamic features – such as the mihrab, minbar, and four minarets – were added. It remained a mosque until 1931, when it was closed to the public for four years. It was re-opened in 1935 as a museum by the Republic of Turkey. Haghia Sophia is currently (2014) the second-most visited museum in Turkey, attracting almost 3.3 million visitors annually.

From its initial conversion until the construction of the nearby larger Sultan Ahmed Mosque (Blue Mosque of Istanbul) in 1616, it was the principal mosque of Istanbul. The Hagia Sophia served as inspiration for many other Ottoman mosques, such as the Blue Mosque, the Şehzade Mosque, the Süleymaniye Mosque, the Rüstem Pasha Mosque and the Kılıç Ali Paşa Mosque.
Source :

Sunday 23 November 2014

(3rd) Matswapati

Hi, actually i want to write this a long time ago but i don't have any time to write it, i only have it now. What's Matswapati? Matswapati is one of character in Wayang lore but now i didn't tell about it, what i tell about is a culture festival in my school. The name of the festival is Matswapati. It's the latest culture festival in SMA 3 Bandung since 2010. It was held at 27th September 2014. It was featured Glenn Fredly, Barsena, IBC, KPA 3, T'ST, and many others.
Actually, Matswapati open gate at 10 o'clock, but i was arrived there about 10.30. There i saw Benjang, kind of traditional wrestling of Sunda but it's different. The objective of the game is to make the enemy back's touch the ground. You can't punch or kick each other. When i saw it, it's pretty awesome.

After that i went to the food court. There i saw a lot of traditional food such as bandrek, bajigur, dawet, timbel, and many more. At that time i bought dawet. It's a drink made of water from coconut milk and contained a green flour. It's sweet and delicious.
And then, there was a MK3 concert. MK3 is an extracurricular in SMAN 3 Bandung mainly playing classical music, but they can also use some modern music. I was amazed at that time. The music they played was really good. After watching MK3, i ate lunch with Nasi Timbel. It's almost the same like usual rice, but it's using banana leaf as the plate.
After eating, KPA3 was showed up. KPA3 is an extracurricular in SMAN 3 Bandung mainly playing Angklung, a traditional instrument made of bamboo. Even though the instrument is traditional, at that time KPA3 wasn't played a traditional music, but playing modern music such as Fix You. After watching KPA3, i left the Matswapati. Actually i missed one important thing here, Glenn Fredly was invited to Matswapati too, but i'm too tired so i came back home.It was amazing culture festival. I hope someday my school make another culture festival again like Matswapati

Sunday 28 September 2014

(2nd) Describing New Friends

Describing new friends... Well i have met one in my new class. His name is Trinanda Sidik, he live at Jupiter Barat Street No.9. He was born at 12th November 1998. He has 2 older brother, one of them is a journalist, and the other one work at IT Telkom. His favorite food is Satay Padang. His favorite subject is English. His hobbies is playing laptop. His previous school is SMPN 5 Bandung. He has a dream that make his parents proud of him. His father occupation is a veteran army of Jakarta, and her mother is a Lecturer

(1st) Describing Myself

Hi, my name is Fikri Hakim. You can call me Fikri but sometimes my friends called me Fakim. Now i live in Bali Street Number 17, it's kind of dormitory there. I was born in Serang 12th November 1998. I have one older sister. My favorite food is "Semur Ayam". I think my favorite subjects is Physics, actually i like Computer than Physics but since that subjects is removed, so i moved to like Physics. My hobbies are reading, anything. My previous school is SMPN 1 Cilegon, well actually i'm not from Bandung. I have a dream that i wanna be a person who could be useful. Currently my both parents in Cilegon.

Well maybe some of you questioned, i'm 11th graders, but why i joined the 10th class? Well, it's a quite long story. The new curriculum said we must took 2 cross interest subject (lintas minat). But at the first semester, i only took 1. And then in second semester, i took the second one, it's English subject.


This is post divide between the 2nd Semester with the 1st Semester

Saturday 10 May 2014

(11th) Question

Some of you maybe has read my post. If you think you're smart enough, you could try answer some of my question here, it's based from my post below

1. Who was the first President of Indonesia?
A. Sukarno
B. Suharto
C. Abdurahman Wahid
D. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono
E. Megawati Sukarno Putri

2. The following is the other names of Soekarno, except...
A. Sukarno
B. Bung Karno
C. Pak Karno
D. Sokarno
E. Achmad Sukarno

3. Soekarno ruled Indonesia from ... to ...
A. 1945-1966
B. 1945-1967
C. 1945-1968
D. 1945-1969
E. 1945-1970

4. What is the Great Sphinx?
A. A stone sculpture of a creature with a human head & lion's body
B. A stone sculpture of a creature with a human body & lion's head
C. A stone sculpture of a creature with a human body & buffalo's legs
D. A sculpture
E. A Lion

5. How tall is Sphinx?
A. 60 m
B. 4 m
C. 20 m
D. 40 m
E. 20,5 m

6.What's the meaning of Sphinx?
A. Stranger
B. Strangler
C. The Great
D. The Awesome
E. Strength

7. The Sphinx now attempted to be restored by...
A. Archaelogist
B. Harvard University
C. Egyptian's goverment
D. Al-Azhar University
E. Supreme Council of Antiqities archaeologist

8. How do they restore it?
A. Reconstruct the Sphinx
B. Drain away the underground water
C. Replace the old structure with new one
D. Make a hole in the sphinx
E. Repair the sphinx

9. The Sphinx is older than the...
A. 4th Dynasty (2575-2467 BCE)
B. 4th Dynasty (2574-2467 BCE)
C. 4th Dynasty (2575-2468 BCE)
D. 4th Dynasty (2574-2468 BCE)
E. 4th Dynasty (2575-2466 BCE)

10. The Sphinx now eroding today because...
A. Storm
B. Tsunami
C. Rain
D. Wind & Humidity
E. Lightning

11. Aurora sometimes resemble...
A. Water
B. Earth
C. Fire
D. Air
E. Lightning

12. The name of North pole Aurora
A. Aurora Asialis
B. Aurora Borealis
C. Aurora Australis
D. Aurora Americalis
E. Aurora Eurolis

13. The name of South pole Aurora
A. Aurora Asialis
B. Aurora Borealis
C. Aurora Australis
D. Aurora Americalis
E. Aurora Eurolis

14. The Aurora have been observed on
A. Earth, Mars, Mercury
B. Earth, Uranus, Neptunus
C. Earth, Jupiter, Pluto
D. Earth, Jupiter, Saturn
E. Earth, Jupiter, Venus

15. An Aurora can also occure following a solar event called
A. Fluorescent
B. Plasmord
C. Magnetosphere
D. Aurora Borealis
E. Coronal Mass Ejection

Monday 21 April 2014

(10th) Ir.Soekarno Short Biography

Sukarno (June 6, 1901 – June 21, 1970) was the first President of Indonesia. He helped the country win its independence from the Netherlands. He was President from 1945 to 1967, presiding with mixed success over the country's turbulent transition to independence. Sukarno was forced to resign by one of his generals, Suharto. Suharto formally became President in March 1967.
The spelling "Sukarno" has been official in Indonesia since 1947. The older spelling Soekarno is still frequently used, mainly because he signed his signature in the old spelling. Official Indonesian presidential decrees from the period 1947-1968, however, printed his name using the 1947 spelling.
Indonesians also remember him as Bung Karno or Pak Karno. Like many Javanese people, he had one name; in religious contexts, he was occasionally referred to as 'Achmad Sukarno'.

Source :

Monday 10 February 2014

(9th) The Great Sphinx

The Great Sphinx is at Giza near Cairo in Egypt. It sits in a depression to the south of the pyramid of the Pharaoh Khafre (Chephren) at the west bank of the Nile River. The Sphinx is a stone sculpture of a creature with a human head and a lion's body. The greatest monumental sculpture in the ancient world, its body is 200 feet (60m) long and 65 feet (20m) tall. Its face is 13 feet (4m) wide.
An accumulating body of evidence, both archaeological and geological, shows the Sphinx is far older than the 4th Dynasty (2575-2467 BCE) and was restored by Khafre during his reign. The name 'Sphinx' means 'strangler' but the purpose of the Sphinx is not known. Some archaeologists assume that it was a memorial to a Pharaoh or that it functioned as some sort of talisman or guardian god. Other scholars believe the Sphinx as an astronomical observation device that marked the position of the rising sun on the day of the spring equinox in the time of Leo the Lion.
The statue is eroding today because of wind and humidity and the smog from Cairo. Attempts to restore it have often caused more harm than good. Present attempts at restoration are under the control of the Supreme Council of Antiquities' archaeologists. They are working to drain away underground water which is damaging the rock.

Source :

Sunday 2 February 2014

(8th) Explanation Text : Aurora

An aurora is a flickering light mostly caused by the sun's radiation, usually found near the poles. They come in red, green and occasionally blue, and can sometimes resemble fire. In fact, the Roman Emperor Tiberius thought a city was on fire, so he sent fire engines to that city. The city on fire was actually a city against a backdrop of a red aurora.
An aurora can happen in the Arctic, around the North Pole (Aurora borealis - Dawn of the North - there it is also called the Northern Lights) or in the Antarctic around the South Pole (Aurora australis - Dawn of the South). An aurora can often be seen from long distances and stretching in the sky many hundreds of kilometers or miles.
Auroras can only be seen at night because their light is not as strong as the light of day. For instance, faint stars can be seen through the aurora. However they do happen during the day as well.
Aurora occurs when the Sun sends off matter we call particles to the empty space. These particles are charged and contain energy, which means they contribute to electricity. These particles flying in space are called "solar wind". Sometimes the solar wind hits Earth. Earth has a protection shield of energy around it. This is called the "magnetic field" and forms an elongated sphere around the Earth called the "magnetosphere". The magnetic field wards off most of the solar wind. At high-latitude areas (polar areas), the magnetic field is less powerful, and cannot protect Earth from the solar wind. There the particles of the solar wind and coming from the magnetosphere may hit the particles of the air (Earth's atmosphere). When they hit, the atmosphere is heated and excited and the excess energy gets away, a phenomenon which we see as moving lights in the sky above 100 km altitude typically. An aurora can also occur following a solar event called a coronal mass ejection (CME), when the charged particles rip through the electromagnetic field because of their power.
Auroral phenomena have been observed on other planets than Earth that have a magnetic field, such as Jupiter, Saturn and more recently Mars. It is believed to be a widespread phenomenon in the Solar System and beyond.
Many legends are associated with the aurora, in all countries where this phenomenon regularly occurs.
Source :

Monday 20 January 2014

(7th) My Story on Holiday

Aaaah... Holiday! Finally it was arrived. I've always want it because i extremly missed my parents and my friends on Cilegon. 20th December 2013, my father came to my room and accompanied me to took my report book. When i saw my report book, it wasn't really good. Well, maybe i was too lazy when studying. After that my father took some money from ATM to paid the school fees. Its quite expensive i think. After that, me and my father took a lunch at bazaar, i was eating smoke beef while my father ate boiled egg, then we pray jum’at at the nearest mosque. And then, we went back to my old home, on Cilegon. We used my father’s car. After a couple hours in the car, finally i was arrived at my old house around 5 PM, and then i took a dinner. It was the most delicious food i have ever taste in the last 6 month. I missed my homemade food so much.

In the next morning there was not so much activity, nothing to do because my friend didn’t notice me if i was arrived, until about 22nd December, one of my best friend, Adhin came to my house. We played together and shared some movies, there are “The Jazz Singer” an old boring 1927 movie, “2001 : A Space Odysey” a 1968 movie with a quite amazing effect and “Ellysium” a modern movie about space station. Then we played “Kerbal Space Program”, a game that you can build a rocket. The next day another my best friend, Fadhil came to my house. We played "Minecraft" together, we built a very long bridge in the game. 24th December there's no activity, just in the house.

25th December, my father and i picked my sister in Jatinangor. It was another long journey though, my father’s car was collided with a road barrier, my father was okay but the bumper’s car was broken. 27th December, my nephews played at my house, and i actually confused what should i played, so we decided to watched “Mission Impossible : Ghost Protocol”. 28th December me, my father, mother, and my sister went to Jakarta to met my aunt. I also met my far uncle, it’s hard to explained my relationship with him. My uncle and my aunt invited us to join a meeting about creating a company. The company was a rubber processing company.

I was excited heard about some things explained there, i felt liked a businessman, but actually the real businessman is my aunt and my uncle. After the meeting, me and my family went to the Pacific Place to buy school bags, but i think i still could used the old one but my parents forced me. When i saw the mall, i think it’s too luxurious and not so crowded like a typical mall. Then i saw the bags, so many bags, but the price is too high! Just a typical school bag the price is about Rp.600.000! My old bag is about Rp.100.000. I don’t think it was worth it, but it was the cheapest school bag at there. I felt very sorry to my parents... And then we went back home.

30th December, me and my old friends made a small reunion of SMPN 1 Cilegon. Most of my old friends came. It has been a long time i have never seen them all. I also meet someone ........ Me and my friends played "Pro Evolution Soccer" together, it was very fun! I really enjoyed playing it! But i was a bit dissapointed because i only played two times. Around 3 o'clock we went to KFC and ate together. From there i got 2 original CD album from buying chicken, it was “Marcell Platinum Playlist” & “Yovie and His Friends Irreplaceable”. It was the best day ever!

Around 31st December, my family and i went to a new restaurant in Cilegon, it was for celebrated of my sister’s birthday since last 17th December. New Year’s Eve? Well i didn’t celebrate it, it’s not an Islamic tradition anyway so why i must to celebrate? Night at New Year’s Eve, a lot of people out of my house played fireworks, it was noisy and i hate it. 1st January, my sister came back to Bandung again with the travel agency because her holiday was over, but i wasn’t. So i stayed in Cilegon for another few days. After accompanied my sister, i went to my friend’s house to played together. 2nd January i played again with my friend and played “Kerbal Space Program”, we’re little bit insane played it because we were hungry and haven’t ate anything. At 3rd January, i prayed jum'at together with my friends. And that was the last time in January i met my old friends. At 4th January, i wasn’t allowed to play outside because tommorow i would came back to Bandung. At 5th January i came back to Bandung again. I hope i can meet my old friends again.

(6th) Announcement

Attention #32016! Prepare yourself to join a Science Quiz

The competition will be held at the New Hall at 29-31 February 2014

Requirement : - The group consist three students
- Each class must send one group
- There are 3 stages, first is written test, the rest of them will be a quiz
- The first winner prize will get a Rp.500.000
- More info visit "" (without quotes)

What are you waiting for? Come Join Us!

(5th) Summary & Moral Value of Aji Saka and Dewata Cengkar

A long time ago there was a kingdom called Medang Kamulan. The kingdom was ruled by Prabu Dewata Cengkar. The people in the kingdom were very scared by the king because the king liked to eat human flesh. Once a week, he commanded his messenger, Patih Jugul Muda, to find him a human to eat. Far away from the kingdom, there was a village called Medang Kawit. A young man named Aji Saka lived there. One day, Aji Saka saw an old man lying unconscious on the ground. Aji Saka then carried the old man to his hut. Soon after, the old man started to regain consciousness. “Where…am I?” he asked. “You’re in my house. You’re safe now,” said Aji Saka. It turned out that the old man was one of citizen from the kingdom which left the kingdom because of Prabu Dewata Cengkar’s bad habit. After he heard the explanation from the old man, Aji Saka decided to go meet Prabu Dewata Cengkar and make him stop the menace. With his magical white turban on his head, Aji Saka went to the kingdom. On his journey to Medang Kamulan, Aji Saka passed through a very dark forest where he met an evil genie. The genie blocked his path. “If you want to get through this forest, you must be my slave for ten years,” the genie demanded. Aji Saka refused to be the genie’s slave. The two of them then fight for a long time and Aji Saka won and The genie allowed him to cross the forest. When Aji Saka arrived in the kingdom of Medang Kamulan, the king was angry to Patih Jugul Muda. He was not able to find the king some humans. “If you can’t find me any humans, I’ll eat you instead,” Prabu Dewata Cengkar said to Patih Jugul Muda. After a few moment, Aji Saka revealed himself. Prabu Dewata Cengkar’s eyes suddenly widened upon seeing Aji Saka. “Who are you?” asked Prabu Dewata Cengkar. “I am Aji Saka from the village of Medang Kawit,” Aji Saka answered. “Ha...ha...ha.... I’m glad you came here. You would be my meal. I'm starving,” said the king. “I would gladly let you eat me, but I want something in return.” Aji Saka said. “What do you want?” asked Prabu Dewata Cengkar. “I want a land as large as my turban,” said Aji Saka. He then took off his turban and threw it on the ground. Suddenly the turban grew bigger and bigger. It just kept on stretching until it finally covered the whole kingdom. Prabu Dewata Cengkar was angry. He then attacked Aji Saka. But, then the turban wrapped itself around him and began to strangle him. The turban then threw the king’s body to the South Sea. The waves carried Prabu Dewata Cengkar away until he finally drowned and died. 
Aji Saka then asked the people of Medang Kamulan to come back to the kingdom. They all thanked the brave Aji Saka.

The Moral Value

- Don't be such a greedy leader like Prabu Dewata Cengkar, he always want to fullfil what he want but not fullfil what the citizen want. 

- Help each other like Aji Saka did

- Be a wise leader like Aji Saka after takeover the kingdom

- Be smart like Aji Saka who defeat Prabu Dewata Cengkar not with brute force, but using his magic turban

(4th) Narrative Text : Aji Saka & Dewata Cengkar

A long time ago there was a kingdom called Medang Kamulan. The kingdom of Medang Kamulan was ruled by Prabu Dewata Cengkar. The people in the kingdom were very scared by the king. It was because the king liked to eat human flesh. Once a week, he commanded his messenger, Patih Jugul Muda, to find him a human to eat. 

Far away from the kingdom of Medang Kamulan, there was a village called Medang Kawit. A young man named Aji Saka lived there. Aji Saka was a brave young man. He loved to help people who needed help. One day, Aji Saka saw an old man lying unconscious on the ground. The old man was wounded. Some thieves just hit him and stole his money. Aji Saka then carried the old man to his hut. Soon after, the old man started to regain consciousness. “Where…am I?” he asked. “You’re in my house. You’re safe now,” said Aji Saka. It turned out that the old man was from the kingdom of Medang Kamulan. “Everybody was leaving Medang Kamulan,” the old man told Aji Saka. He also told him about Prabu Dewata Cengkar’s bad habit. “We were terrified, that’s why we left,” The old man said. 

After he heard the explanation from the old man, Aji Saka decided to go meet Prabu Dewata Cengkar and make him stop the menace. With his magical white turban on his head, Aji Saka went to the kingdom. The turban was a gift from his Guru that could be used to fight evil. On his journey to Medang Kamulan, Aji Saka passed through a very dark forest where he met an evil genie. The genie blocked his path. “If you want to get through this forest, you must be my slave for ten years,” the genie demanded. Aji Saka refused to be the genie’s slave. The two of them then fight for seven days and seven nights, until at last Aji Saka came out as winner. The genie finally allowed Aji Saka to pass through the forest. 

When Aji Saka arrived in the kingdom of Medang Kamulan, the king was angry to Patih Jugul Muda. He was not able to find the king some humans. “If you can’t find me any humans, I’ll eat you instead,” Prabu Dewata Cengkar said to Patih Jugul Muda. After Patih Jugul Muda left, Aji Saka revealed himself. Prabu Dewata Cengkar’s eyes suddenly widened upon seeing Aji Saka. He could already imagine how delicious his meat would taste. “Who are you?” asked Prabu Dewata Cengkar. “I am Aji Saka from the village of Medang Kawit,” Aji Saka answered. “Ha...ha...ha.... I’m glad you came here. You would be my meal. I'm starving,” said the king. 

“I would gladly let you eat me, but I want something in return.” Aji Saka said. “What is it that you want?” asked Prabu Dewata Cengkar. “I want a land as large as my turban,” said Aji Saka. He then took off his turban and threw it on the ground. Prabu Dewata Cengkar agreed. He himself would measure the land with Aji Saka’s turban. Suddenly the turban grew bigger and bigger. It just kept on stretching until it finally covered the whole kingdom. Prabu Dewata Cengkar was angry. He then attacked Aji Saka. But, then the turban wrapped itself around him and began to strangle him. The turban then threw the king’s body to the South Sea. The waves carried Prabu dewata Cengkar away until he finally drowned and died. 

Aji Saka then asked the people of Medang Kamulan to come back to the kingdom. They all thanked the brave Aji Saka. They also agreed to make Aji Saka to be their king. Aji Saka then ruled the kingdom wisely. Under the leadership of Aji Saka, Medang Kamulan become a peaceful and prosperous kingdom.

Source :

(3rd) Unforgettable Moment

Unforgettable Moments? Well there's lot of unforgettable moment in my life, from happy moment into worst moment. Well i will tell you one of my worst moment. It's happened when i still 2nd grade elementary school.

I was came to school with my parents because i graduate from 1st grade into 2nd grade. I was happy at that time. I was bought an aircraft scheme made out of wood, so i must craft it first before i could play it. After that i came back to home and crafted the aircraft with my older sister. We used a box cutter to cut the scheme and craft it. But accidentally, my sister slash my left leg with the cutter. Of course i'm crying. The scar is quite deep and broad, the length is about a pinkie. My parents panicked and brought me into a nearest hospital.

After arrived in the hospital, the doctor quickly heal my scar, and sewed it. After that the doctor said. "Don't play football before the scar is fully healed". I was not really care with that message. One day i persuade my friend to play football in front of my house. When i played, suddenly my parents appeared and scold me because i played football. Right now the scar is still there, not closed by the skin. If i don't play football that day, that scar will be closed.

(2nd) Describing New Friends

Describing my new friends? Oh come on. I was moved from Cilegon to Bandung and of course everyone i see in SMA 3 Bandung is my new friends. Lot of people i can describe but i will describe only one of my friends. His name is Sandyka Gunnisyah Putra. He is my classmate. He was born at 5 May 1998. He's quite fat and tall. He is wearing a glasses. He is quite lazy, i'm not teasing him, i'm telling the truth. He also doesn't really care about environment. His best quotes is "I don't care!". But he is smart, very smart on math even though the other subjects he often got bad score, but i don't think because he is stupid, he's just too lazy. He is an anime lover, he like watch a lot of anime. He joined Nihongo Kurabu, an extracurricular in school which discuss about japanese culture. Well that's all i can tell, thanks for reading.

(1st) Describing Myself

Oh hi! Let me introduce myself. My name is Fikri Hakim. You can call me Fikri but some of my friends call me Fakim. I was born in Serang 12th June 1998, so my age is 15 years old. I have 1 sibling, her name is Diryati Widyantari, she was studied in SMAN 3 Bandung, now she is colleger in UNPAD. Now i'm studying in SMAN 3 Bandung. My class are X IPA 9. Now i live in Bali Street number 17, kind of what we call "Kosan" beside SMAN 5 Bandung. Before i live there, i was lived in Morse Street number 10 House Complex of Krakatau Steel, Cilegon.

And... What do i miss? Oh yes, my hobby is playing computer & reading. I like looking 1Cak and Pewdiepie video. They're fun! Always entertain me when i'm bored. I've always want to be an electrical engineer just like my father, i also want to have an aircraft company. Because i like aircraft, they're great and i want to make Indonesia could make a great aircraft.

I was graduated from SMP 1 Cilegon, i like the school because my friends and my teachers are amazing! Very friendly and humble. I was sad because i left them in Cilegon. But to achieve my goal, i must stay go on. Well that's all i can tell you.